Mountainsmith Honors You With an Exclusive 40% OFF Outdoor Gear
If you’re planning an escape to the high peaks, prepare with quality outdoor gear from Mountainsmith. The Colorado-based company honors WeSalute+ subscribers with an exclusive 40% OFF hiking backpacks, tents, trekking poles, and dog gear. Mountainsmith has been faithfully building products inspired by the Rockies since 1979.
Packs, bags, tents, coolers, trekking poles, and more — their gear will stand up to the rigors of your next adventure on and off the trail, through mountain valleys, summit ascents, campus quads, red rock canyons, and far off airports. Lumbar packs come in a variety of colors and sizes. They have camera bags, messenger bags, and hiking backpacks with advice on how best to pack this winter.
Mountainsmith offers free shipping on US orders over $40 and a “Forged for Life” guarantee. Everything they make is built to last a lifetime. If something they’ve made fails in any way, they’ll take care of it by either repairing or replacing it for your entire life.
Details of the Offer
Get 40% OFF Mountainsmith outdoor gear
Choose from hiking backpacks, tents, trekking poles, and more
Enjoy free shipping on US orders over $40
Offer available through exclusive private shopping site
Terms & Conditions
*Note: If you created an Outdoorly Account prior to joining through WeSalute (founded as Veterans Advantage), please contact [email protected] to adjust your membership affiliation and access this offer.
Enroll with WeSalute for the nationally-recognized WeSalute+ Card and exclusive partner discounts we’ve created to enhance your lifestyle. You qualify if you are active duty, a retiree, veteran, current or former guard & reserve, or an immediate family member.