Why Join?

why join

Why Join?

Our Members Love Us. So Will You!

WeSalute+ subscribers make our socially responsible mission possible. Your membership dues provide the funding and group purchasing power necessary to advocate for A Real Thank You™ from our partners.

Without your support, we couldn't create WeSalute+ Exclusives or our WeSalute+ CarePackage, provide low-cost TravelProtection, or offer our WeSalute (founded as Veterans Advantage) Community for free.

When you subscribe to WeSalute+, you are eligible for the many extra perks to thank you for your support.

Here are some of the ways we fulfill our mission:

What do WeSalute+ and TravelProtection™ members have to say?

There's no better way to learn why you should become a member than to hear how military, veterans, and family members just like you are using our discounts and benefits to live fuller lives. 

Read Testimonials

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What Happens If I Have a Medical Emergency While Traveling?

Sign up for the WeSalute+ Card today and you’ll be eligible for
WeSalute Travel Protection.

Get the WeSalute+ Card

Is My Spouse and Children Covered With My WeSalute+ Card?

With the WeSalute+ Card, you can add family members at
50% OFF every year.

Get the WeSalute+ Card