WeSalute+ Travel

Need help planning your next trip?

WeSalute+ Travel searches thousands of travel rates so you can lock in great savings on travel around the world. Find discounted hotels, car rentals and book your flights in one simple, easy-to-use booking platform.

WeSalute+ Members can book here 24/7 and our site will display the latest military discount rates offered by popular comparison sites like Priceline.com, Booking.com Kayak.com and Agoda.com. WeSalute+ members can easily combine their discounts with the discounted pricing available by searching with the WeSalute+ Travel booking engine, and receive 40% off the already-low prices listed.

Have WeSalute+ and Travel Protection Positively Impacted Your Life?

Please share your story with other members of the Greater Military Community so they, too, can take advantage of all we have to offer!

We will help you polish your story so it sounds great, and post it on the Stories of Members Getting More page, on The Service™, or in the Testimonials section of this website!

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Do you and your family vacation without travel insurance?

Sign up for WeSalute+ today and you’ll be eligible for Travel Protection.

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Did you know that your immediate family members are eligible for WeSalute+ savings?

With WeSalute+, you can add family members to your primary plan at 50% OFF every year.

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