Travel Benefits for WeSalute Military & Veterans

community travel

Travel Benefits for WeSalute Military & Veterans

Find the deepest savings among leading airlines, hotels & resorts, and car rentals

Need help planning your next trip?

WeSalute offers a world of travel savings exclusively for WeSalute members as A Real Thank You® for their military service. Discover thousands of discounted rates on hotels, car rentals, cruises, and flights through the WeSalute Marketplace.

Enjoy Premium Travel Benefits:

Enjoy exclusive veteran and military discounts with WeSalute+ and enjoy 24/7 access to the best travel deals. We've partnered directly with top airlines like United Airlines, JetBlue, Alaska Airlines, and Hawaiian Airlines to create exclusive savings without blackouts.  Plus, we offer a wide selection of benefits on cruises, hotels & resorts, and car rentals, from leaders such as Carnival Cruise Line, American Airlines Vacations and Couples Resorts, Avis, and Budget, so you can find the perfect trip at the best price. Upgrade to WeSalute+ today and start saving!

WeSalute Travel Protection:

WeSalute Travel Protection is our low cost affordable member plan for emergency medical travel insurance. Travel Protection is now available for those with free WeSalute memberships, at a low-cost price of only $79.95, for coverage 365 days a year, providing added peace of mind for every trip. 
As an extra benefit, WeSalute+ Card members can get WeSalute Travel Protection for only $39.95. which is 50% OFF the WeSalute members-only rate of $79.95.

Have WeSalute+ and Travel Protection Positively Impacted Your Life?

Please share your story with other members of the Greater Military Community so they, too, can take advantage of all we have to offer!

We will help you polish your story so it sounds great, and post it on the Stories of Members Getting More page, on The Service™, or in the Testimonials section of this website!

I Want to Tell My Story

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What Happens If I Have a Medical Emergency While Traveling?

Sign up for the WeSalute+ Card today and you’ll be eligible for
WeSalute Travel Protection.

Get the WeSalute+ Card

Is My Spouse and Children Covered With My WeSalute+ Card?

With the WeSalute+ Card, you can add family members at
50% OFF every year.

Get the WeSalute+ Card