Military & Veterans News

VA updates disability rating schedules for genitourinary and cardiovascular systems

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced its update to the genitourinary and cardiovascular regulations in the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities at Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations.

The changes were made to ensure that these portions of the rating schedule contain current medical terminology and provide detailed and updated criteria for the evaluations related to genitourinary and cardiovascular disabilities.

VA renamed conditions, removed obsolete language, clarified ambiguities and added conditions with appropriate diagnostic codes not previously identified in the VASRD. While finalizing the rulemaking, VA received, considered and responded to comments from the National Organization of Veterans’ Advocates Inc., American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Paralyzed Veterans of America and Veterans.

“These changes are important to the claims processing procedures and are based on scientific and medical information that is vital in making consistent claims decisions for our Veterans,” said Acting Under Secretary for Benefits Thomas Murphy. “Claims related to genitourinary and cardiovascular conditions that were pending on Nov. 14, 2021, will be considered under both the old and new rating criteria, and whichever criteria is more favorable to the Veteran will be applied.”

The complete list of updates to the VASRD for the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems is now available online. For Veterans already receiving evaluations for the genitourinary and cardiovascular conditions impacted by this change, VA will not reduce the evaluation simply based on the rating schedule change.  A reduction in evaluation will only occur if there is improvement in a disability sufficient to warrant a reduction under the former criteria.

VA has issued several VASRD updates since September 2017, including updates for dental and oral conditionsconditions related to the endocrine systemgynecological conditions and disorders of the breast, diseases of the eyeinfectious diseasesconditions of the hemic and lymphatic systemsskin conditions, and musculoskeletal and muscle injuries.

Visit VA benefits for more information.


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