Tell Us Your Story

members stories

Tell us your true story of military service and get WeSalute+ FREE for a year!

We would love to hear stories about your or your loved one's military service, what it's like to be a member of a military family, how you deal with important things like personal finances or frequent military moves, and even personal experiences with PTSD or service-related disabilities. If we choose your story to be featured on our blog, The Service, you'll get a free year of WeSalute+ on us. Please fill out the form below and attach your photos!


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Do you and your family vacation without travel insurance?

Sign up for WeSalute+ today and you’ll be eligible for Travel Protection.

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Did you know that your immediate family members are eligible for WeSalute+ savings?

With WeSalute+, you can add family members to your primary plan at 50% OFF every year.

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