Bass Pro Shops was founded in 1972 by avid young angler Johnny Morris on eight-square-feet of space in the back of his father's liquor store in Springfield, Missouri. Today, the leading national retailer of outdoor gear and apparel has more than 100 retail and marine center locations across North America. His lifelong respect and gratitude to servicemen and women was strongly shaped by his father, John A. Morris, a decorated World War II veteran who proudly served his country in the Battle of the Bulge.
Bass Pro Shops also support for a number of programs and partnerships that are for veterans. A few key initiatives include:
Bass Pro Shops creates employment opportunities for veterans and has recruited thousands of armed services veterans to their workforce.
Bass Pro Shops donates to veterans service organizations, such as the USO, and encourages Bass Pro Shop customers to join in these efforts.
"Fishing Dreams for Veterans", a series of special fishing tournaments for disabled veterans, is hosted by Bass Pro Shops to help recovering veterans connect with nature.
Bass Pro Shops puts together care packages for Special Forces units in an initiative supported by their employees.