Shopping for the latest handbags, luggage and backpacks should never be boring. And with WeSalute+ you can save an exclusive 15% OFF selected product lines at My Bag, which honors you for your service.
Shop the latest styles from top brands like:
Marc Jacobs
Kate Spade
Calvin Klein
Emporio Armani
Michael Kors
And choose from many more top brands from the convenience of our private online site for WeSalute+.
Details of the Offer
Get 15% OFF My Bag
Access your savings anytime with our private member store
Worldwide delivery available
Terms & Conditions
Excludes sale, gift vouchers & Hugo Boss brands and Coach Tabby chalk.
More About My Bag
Shopping for a bag? You’re at the heart of everything for the team at MyBag. Launched in 2010, MyBag has established itself as a specialist fashion retailer for handbags and accessories online.
Shop the latest arrivals, brands and styles today, and save with its private online store for WeSalute (founded as Veterans Advantage)'s WeSalute+ subscribers.
Enroll with WeSalute (founded as Veterans Advantage) for the nationally-recognized WeSalute+ Card and exclusive partner discounts we’ve created to enhance your lifestyle. You qualify if you are active duty, a retiree, veteran, current or former guard & reserve, or an immediate family member.