Exclusive restaurant savings delivered to you by WendyMail
Veterans Advantage is now WeSalute
Wendy's Honors You with Restaurant Savings
With WeSalute+, you are eligible for exclusive savings at Wendy's restaurants nationwide. Your savings are delivered by Wendy's by email and through its mobile app with additional offers on patriotic holidays.
You can redeem your WeSalute+ savings in addition to your other Wendy's deals on the most popular meals and drinks at Wendy's restaurants nationwide.
Details of the Offer
Subscribe online to our Wendy's program created for WeSalute+ members with coupon savings on patriotic holidays
You also qualify for other Wendy's special coupons on Wendy’s food and drinks throughout the year.
You can sign up for your savings by downloading the My Wendy's app for iOS and Android, and redeeming at Wendy's restaurants nationwide.
I appreciated the Wendy's coupons -- it did encourage me to choose Wendy's and I was always glad I did.
Duane Winter
Get all of the latest deals and offers PLUS your WeSalute+ savings
Wendy’s special offers for WeSalute are available through a custom WendyMail™ savings program for our subscribers. Simply sign up to receive these benefits plus all of Wendy’s ongoing saving promotions.
Terms & Conditions
Limit one enrollment per email account and WeSalute+ Card Member ID.
Enroll with WeSalute for the nationally-recognized WeSalute+ Card and exclusive partner discounts we’ve created to enhance your lifestyle. You qualify if you are active duty, a retiree, veteran, current or former guard & reserve, or an immediate family member.