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Scott’s View: Happy Independence Day! How to Enjoy Outdoors This Summer
Scott Higgins, WeSalute Co-founder & Co-CEO

With Independence Day weekend coming up this weekend, we celebrate our nation’s 247th birthday. As we all know, we proclaimed ourselves a nation with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We don’t want to forget that our founding fathers took great risks in doing so. As Ben Franklin reportedly said at the signing: “We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
So, this weekend we celebrate, but we also recognize that the freedoms we enjoy as a nation do not and did not come free. We honor those who have served and continue to serve to protect us and preserve our freedoms.
In the spirit of July 4th, We thank you and your family for your service to our country. WeSalute you!
I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you some of our great offers that will help you save over this holiday weekend and beyond:
Orvis: 10% OFF your outdoor apparel and accessories for your pets
Mammut: 50% OFF its adventurewear and gear
Sunglass Hut: 15% OFF, with in-store checkout available, too
CVS: 20% OFF, combinable with all public sales, and with the choice of free shipping or in-store checkout
Bushnell: Exclusive savings on sports optics
Happy 4th of July!