Military & Veterans Life
Veterans Advantage Continues to Recognize Medal of Honor Recipients
Scott Higgins, WeSalute Co-founder & Co-CEO

I want to take a moment to recognize the Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients. This past week, our nation marked National Medal of Honor Day to remember those who have received our nation's highest military decoration. It is a reminder we must do our part to perpetuate the legacy of our nations’ greatest military heroes.
With the breaking ground of a new Medal of Honor Museum in Arlington, Texas, these patriotic organizers know that the time to do this is now. Only 66 of the 3,500+ recipients are alive today!
For the sixth year running, Veterans Advantage together with Advisory Board Member and Medal of Honor Recipient Paul “Bud” Bucha, provide complimentary VetRewards subscriptions to all MOH Recipients, their spouses, and surviving widows. We match our members' donations to underwrite VetRewards for MOH Recipients, as we do for wounded veterans.