Military & Veterans News

Vet News: Federal Task Force Launches Web Site; Secretary Invites Feedback on Services

WASHINGTON – March 15, 2007
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson, head of the new inter-agency task force examining the processes for combat Veterans seeking services and benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other federal agencies, announced the creation of a dedicated Web page to solicit input on the ease of accessing federal services.

"As the task force moves forward in studying how we can enhance services and cut red tape, we believe it's important to provide Veterans, their family members and others with the opportunity to share their ideas and experiences," said Nicholson.

People can email their comments to the task force at [email protected] or fax comments to 202-273-9599. Task Force information and mailing address can be obtained on the VA home page,

The Web page allows active duty service members, Veterans, family members and others to comment directly to the task force on the accessibility, timeliness and delivery of services. Comments will be studied by the task force, used in the panel's evaluation of gaps in service and form the basis of recommended solutions.

Called the "Task Force on Returning Global War on Terror Heroes," the panel consists of the secretaries of Defense, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Education, plus the administrator of the Small Business Administration and the director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Under the terms of the executive order creating the task force, the group has 45 days to identify and examine existing federal services for returning Global War on Terror service members; identify gaps in such services; seek recommendations from federal agencies on ways to fill those gaps and ensure that appropriate federal agencies are communicating and cooperating effectively.

SOURCE: US Department of Veterans Affairs

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