Military & Veterans News
Cover Story: Turn In Your Old Cell Phone to Help Those Who Answer the Call
Roy Asfar

On September 11th 2003 in Grand Central Station, the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority issued a challenge - Bring in a million outdated cellular phones by Veterans Day - November 11th, and help support the troops of Operation Iraqi Freedom through an innovative Recycle and Reward ("R&R") program.
The task is simple - collect some unwanted cellular phones and drop them off at a collection barrel conveniently located at Grand Central and Penn Stations. The phones are properly recycled or re-sold, and the proceeds help to provide free "Veterans Advantage" benefit cards for returning National Guard and Reserve members. The cards give the troops and their families extra benefits such as a prescription drug plan, half-price tickets for travel on AMTRAK, and discounts on many other goods and services. In addition to sponsoring the benefit cards, one-fifth (20%) of funds raised will also help to support other national "Welcome Home" programs for the troops, through Employers United for a Stronger America (EUSA), a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
A Nation-wide campaign
Since the September 11th kickoff in New York, other public and private organizations have begun similar public R&R "phone drive" efforts, including the San Diego County Firefighters and the Los Angels Police Department. Others, such as Citigroup and the Los Angeles MTA, have begun internal employee campaigns to help out by bringing old cell phones to work. Starting a local drive is simply a matter of contacting the R&R program manager. Postage prepaid phone recycling boxes are sent to participating sites; when R&R is notified the boxes are full, they are picked up by UPS or FEDEX. Details can be found here.
An American Tradition - Supporting our Troops
"Home Front" campaigns to support servicemen and women are an American tradition going back to World War II, when citizens were asked to conserve and invest to back deployed military forces. Since September 11th 2001, Americans have been increasingly aware of the sacrifices made by those who serve in our armed forces. With over 300,000 members of the National Guard and Reserve called up in the last two years for the Global War on Terrorism, families and employers in communities across the nation have been touched by the call to service. The "R&R" program offers something every American can do to help, at no cost and with little effort. There are an estimated 200 million unneeded cell phones in America that have become surplus as newer phones are purchased. These old phones also represent an environmental hazard if discarded into the waste stream, so the R&R program not only helps support our troops, it is good for the planet as well.
The R&R campaign ideal for service organizations, churches, and neighborhoods as well as businesses and local government services. Contact Recycle & Reward to get started, and help R&R collect a million phones by Veterans Day.
To Contact Us About Joining The Welcome Home! Campaign:
Recycle & Reward
c/o Veterans Advantage
67 Holly Hill Lane,
Greenwich, CT, 06830