Military & Veterans News
VA Work-Study Program for Student Veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs

We recently received this letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs and wanted to share it with our members!
Colleagues and Fellow Veterans,
The GI Bill can help cover many of a Veteran’s expenses, but often there are still bills to pay. Did you know we have a program that can pay students to help other Veterans right in their own community and do it while attending school?
The VA announced that it will be launching a new program to offer part-time employment to students receiving VA education benefits who attend school three-quarters time or more.
The Work-Study Program provides part-time employment to students receiving VA education benefits who attend school at three-quarter time or more. Services performed under a VA Work-Study program must be related to VA work. A student can work at any VA facility; a hospital, a Regional Office, a Vet Center, or even work at the school he or she is attending and help fellow Veteran students. They are paid either the State or Federal minimum wage, whichever is greater. It won’t make anyone rich, but it can help bring in some extra cash as well as add to their resume.
We have more information on the program and how to apply here.
Helping other Veterans and earning extra cash is a win-win!
Curtis L. Coy
Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Opportunity
Veterans Benefits Administration
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420
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