Military & Veterans News

Vet News: Wounded Veterans Get Holiday Boost

veterans advantage

WASHINGTON, Dec. 28, 2005 – The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes has made the holidays brighter for 1,000 global war on terrorism Veterans.

The Veterans received $500 gift checks that coalition founder and president Roger Chapin calls a small expression of the deep gratitude the coalition’s supporters feel for the Veterans’ tremendous sacrifices. Each of the Veterans receiving the checks is classified as being 30 percent or more disabled.

"Given the terrible financial hardships so many disabled vets are facing, I only wish we could do more over this holiday season," Chapin said. American Legion members personally delivered some of the checks, he added.

"The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes has shown its commitment to our injured heroes and their families in many ways," said George Schaefer, chief of the Defense Department’s state liaison office and Military Severely Injured Program in the Office of the deputy undersecretary of defense for military communities and family policy. This financial support will be especially appreciated during the holiday season."

Donations to help provide emergency financial assistance can be made via the coalition’s Web site,, or by calling (888) 44-SALUTE toll-free.

In addition to the holiday gift checks, the coalition continues to work with the DoD in providing emergency financial assistance to disabled servicemen and women, officials said.

"Sadly, a great many wives have had to give up their jobs to become caregivers to their disabled husbands. Many families have lost (a significant portion) of their incomes, resulting in utility cut-offs, car repossessions and home evictions," Chapin said. "Being able to provide emergency financial assistance is especially important to the coalition and the DoD."

The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that offers programs benefiting wounded global war on terrorism Veterans in a wide variety of needs.

SOURCE: VNIS - American Forces Press Service

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