WeSalute Awards

TopVet: Gene Shields

Gene Shields

The Air Force’s own Gene Shields is a major player in delivering specialized medical benefits to those who serve our nation.

R. Eugene (Gene) Shields is Louisville, KY-based Humana Inc.’s senior vice president for government programs. He has responsibility for Medicare, TRICARE, the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plans and the company’s Puerto Rico operations. Prior to assuming these responsibilities, Mr. Shields led the development and launch of Humana Emphesys, the next generation of digital health plan products, and a new operating platform for Humana.

Mr. Shields joined Humana in 1994 as president and chief executive officer of Humana Military Healthcare Services (HMHS), a wholly owned Humana subsidiary. Under his leadership, HMHS was awarded a $3.8 billion, five-year contract for delivery of health services to 1.1 million military beneficiaries in seven southeastern states under the TRICARE program.

Before joining Humana, Mr. Shields had a distinguished career in military health care management and operations, including serving as chief of the managed care division of the Office of the Air Force Surgeon General. Additionally, Mr. Shields was a consultant to the Surgeon General on managed care and his advisor for legislative and CHAMPUS benefits and policy issues.

As a leading voice at one the nation’s largest health management organizations, Shields has also testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee on the state of Tricare in the regions Humana serves.

Mr. Shields earned a bachelor of science degree in business administration from The Citadel, a master of science degree in systems management from the University of Southern California and a masters in health care administration from the Medical College of Virginia. He is a distinguished graduate of the Air Force Squadron Officers School and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.

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