WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Harvey Schiller, YankeeNets

Dr. Harvey Schiller, who flew combat missions in Vietnam during his 24 years as an Air Force pilot, is the Chairman and CEO of the YankeeNets, the company formed to combine the New York Yankees baseball team and the New Jersey Nets basketball team. Also on its roster is the New Jersey Devils hockey team.
Dr. Schiller, 60, holds degrees in chemistry, oversees acquisitions, media deals, and long-term financial strategy.
After leaving the Air Force in l986, where he attained the rank of colonel, Dr. Schiller became commissioner of the Southeastern Conference of collegiate sports, followed by a stint as the secretary general of the U.S. Olympic Committee.
In l994 he was named president of Turner Sports, for which he had overall responsibility for sports programming for TBS and TNT, as well as the management of the fledgling Atlanta Thrashers hockey team.
After five years with Turner, Schiller, headed to New Jersey and the YankeeNets, where he’s now the boss of the Boss: Yankees chief George Steinbrenner, reports to him.
Photo Credit: https://yachtblog1.wordpress.com/author/yachtblog1/page/15/