WeSalute Awards

TopVet: Terry G. Hillard, Chicago's Top Cop

Terry G. Hillard

In February 1998, with the forced resignation of Chicago’s Police Superintendent, Mayor Richard Daley chose a popular detective, Terry G. Hillard, to lead the 17,000-strong department. He took over a force beset by charges of corruption and brutality, and hindered by dissension and low morale in the ranks.

Superintendent Hillard, who said he was ‘flabbergasted” to be chosen, was decorated for heroism during the Vietnam War. He was a former bodyguard to ex-Mayors Jane Byrne and Harold Washington. His wife, Dorothy, is a sister of the former Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Jesse Brown.

Chicago Police Department Superintendent TerryHillard, Honorary Chair of the GEAR UP Student Rally, and Virginia Ojeda of Ronald McDonald House Charities enjoying the rally. Ronald McDonald House Charities supports the Chicago GEAR UP Alliance through its support of Kids at Hope.

Photo Credit: https://www.bestofneworleans.com/gambit/meet-the-police-monitors/Content?oid=2184862

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