Military & Veterans News

Military & Veterans News

Vet News: VA’s Polytrauma System of Care Marks One Million TBI Screenings

WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Polytrauma System of Care (PSC) has hit the one million mark in screening Veterans for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), often regarded as one of the signature injuries of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. TBI symptoms such as severe headaches, memory loss, reduced executive functioning, and tinnitus can range from manageable to seriously disabling, potentially limiting a Veteran’s ability to work and manage daily living. Screening Veterans for TBI and helping them to deal with the condition is one of the central programs of PSC.

Military & Veterans News

Vet News: Statement by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter on the Netherlands Expansion of Air Campaign Against ISIL in Syria

I want to commend the government of the Netherlands for its announcement today that Dutch pilots will expand their current mission over Iraq to participate in coalition air strikes against ISIL in eastern Syria. I also appreciate the announcement of additional funding to support moderate armed Syrian opposition groups with civilian means and medical assistance, consideration of additional support to the Iraqi security forces and the Peshmerga, and additional funding for the restoration of damaged hospitals, schools and other infrastructure.

Military & Veterans News

Vet News: Improving Economic Security by Strengthening and Modernizing the Unemployment Insurance System

Building on his remarks in his State of the Union, today the President used his Weekly Address to announce new proposals to provide workers with wage insurance, stronger Unemployment Insurance protections, and support for retraining to get the next job. These proposals are part of the Administration’s broader push to strengthen and modernize our Unemployment Insurance system by closing holes in coverage and strengthening connections to work. 

Military & Veterans News

Vet News: Statement by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter on Change of Command in Afghanistan

I want to thank Gen. John Campbell for his extraordinary leadership and dedication in his dual role as commander of United States Forces – Afghanistan, and as commander of the NATO Resolute Support mission. While many challenges remain, we have made gains over the past year that will put Afghanistan on a better path, and much of the credit for that progress rests with Gen. Campbell.

Military & Veterans News

Vet News: Military Academies Making Progress in Efforts to Address Sexual Assault

Today, the Department of Defense released its Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the United States Military Service Academies (MSA) for academic program year (APY) 2014 - 2015.  As part of a comprehensive review, DoD officials conducted site visits at the U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Air Force Academy, held focus groups with cadets and midshipmen, and reviewed academy policies, training, and procedures.

Military & Veterans News

Vet News: Statement by the President after Briefing at the National Counterterrorism Center

THE PRESIDENT: As President and Commander in Chief, my highest priority is the security of the American people.  And on a regular basis, I convene members of my national security team for an in-depth review of our efforts to prevent terrorist attacks against our citizens -- around the world and here at home.  We examine any known and emerging threats.  We review our security posture and we make sure that we’re taking every necessary measure to protect our people.  

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