WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Col. Tom Tyrrell, Chief of Intrepid Museum Operations
In the quarter-century that he served in the Marine Corps, Tom Tyrrell garnered great respect for enlisted men.TopVet
WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Col. Tom Tyrrell, Chief of Intrepid Museum Operations
In the quarter-century that he served in the Marine Corps, Tom Tyrrell garnered great respect for enlisted men.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Ken Storms, 'Piloting' Meridian, MS
For most of us, the dreams of childhood - to be a firefighter or an astronaut, a cowboy, an actress, a soldier who defeats all the bad guys - remain forever in the realm of fantasy.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Bill Donaldson, Wall Streeter
William H. Donaldson is a veteran - of the Marine Corps, where he served as an officer in the Far Eastern Theatre from 1953-55; and of Wall Street, where he cut his spurs as a principal and founder of the brokerage house Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette. Now, at age 71, Bill Donaldson, whom President Bush called "one of the most respected business leaders in our nation," is about to take on another challenge as the Bush administration's choice as the new chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. His appointment as the 27th chairman of the commission requires Senate approval.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: David Gunn, Amtrak CEO
David L. Gunn, who had previously headed the largest transit systems in both the United States and Canada, was named president and CEO of Amtrak, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, effective May 15, 2002. Gunn, who served in the U. S. Naval Reserve, was president of the New York City Transit Authority from 1984-1990 and was chief general manager of the Toronto Transit Commission from 1995-1999.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Ben Nighthorse Campbell, U.S. Senator
When he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992,Colorado's Ben Nighthorse Campbell became the first American Indian to serve in the Senate in more than 60 years. He is the only American Indian presently serving in either the Senate or the House of Representatives.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Jim McDermott, Congressman
Representative Jim McDermott, who as a Navy psychiatrist treated Vietnam veterans, is in his seventh term representing the 7th District in the state of Washington.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Montel Williams, Talk-Show Host
Montel Brian Hank Williams – Montel to his fans – has become a nationally respected talk-show host. His “Montel Williams Show,” for many years one of the more popular offerings on daytime television, doesn’t dwell only on sex and celebrity, although the trashy and the trendy are the bread-and-butter of talk shows; episodes also deal with such topics as families torn asunder by drugs, uniting family members who have never met each other, and uniting families torn apart by unfaithfulness.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Duncan Hunter, California Congressman
Duncan Hunter is a Vietnam Veteran, who served in the 173rd Airborne and 75th Army Rangers. In 1973, Hunter attended Western State University Law School in San Diego on the G.I. Bill, while also working in farming and construction.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: John H. Dasburg, Burger King
John H. Dasburg was appointed chairman, chief executive officer, and president of the Burger King Corporation on April 1, 2001. Prior to joining Burger King, Mr. Dasburg served as president and CEO of Northwest Airlines for more than a decade.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Herbert W. Anderson, Logicon
Herbert W. Anderson, who served in the Army from 1958-61, is corporate vice president of Northrop Grumman Corporation and president of Northrop Grumman Information Technology (IT), the corporation's IT sector.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: John H. Myers
John H. Myers has served in a number of senior positions at General Electric Investment Corp. since 1986. Prior to being named president and CEO, he was most recently Executive Vice President, with responsibility for the fixed income, private equity and real estate groups.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: US Congress Members Who Are Veterans
Here are the list of US Congress Members who are veterans from different branches like Army, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy, Air Force as well as Coast Guard and more.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Edward L. Bishop III, Kestrel Technologies
Kestrel Technologies develops and distributes sophisticated front-office software for securities dealers, brokers, and investment managers. Edward L. Bishop III, Kestrel’s Founder, Chairman, and President, spent 22 years as a fighter pilot for the Navy and the Marine Corps Reserve, retiring with the rank of colonel. While on active duty, he was twice awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, as well as numerous other decorations for service in the Vietnam War.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Richard Whiteley, Corporate Trainer
Richard C. Whiteley, who spent three years in the Navy, is vice chairman and co-founder of The Forum Corporation, an international training and consulting firm specializing in helping organizations become customer-centered.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Jack Valenti, Motion Picture Association
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer to the Motion Picture Association of America and widely recognized as one of Hollywood’s true leaders, Jack Valenti has led four-star careers as a wartime bomber pilot, ad agency founder, political consultant and White House Special Assistant.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Lane Evans/Congressman
Lane Evans, ranking Democrat on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, is recognized as one of the strongest advocates on veterans issues in Congress. The Illinois congressman, who was first elected in 1982, spearheaded the successful effort to pass Agent Orange compensation and led the charge for passage of a law that delivers health and compensation benefits to children of veterans exposed to Agent Orange who were born with spina bifida, a crippling birth defect.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Bob Lutz , Vice Chairman of General Motors
Robert A. Lutz, who served as a jet-attack aviator in the United States Marine Corps from 1954-1965 and attained the rank of captain, was named chairman of GM North America on November 13, 2001. He continues to serve as vice chairman of product development at General Motors Corporation, a post to which he was appointed earlier that year.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: James E. Sowell, Builder
When James E. Sowell returned home after a two-year hitch in the Army, he started the Jim Sowell Construction Company, which is now one of the largest subdivision developers in the state of Texas.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: James Smyth, Kestrel Technologies
James K. Smyth, who served in Vietnam with 5th Special Forces, currently serves as Executive Vice President for Marketing of Kestrel Technologies. He is responsible for overseeing Kestrel’s marketing operations, including product positioning, promotion, and sales; customer support; and public relations.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Jim Kelly, Retired CEO of UPS
Jim Kelly is the retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for United Parcel Service, a position he held from January 1997 until December 2001. He continues to serve on the Board of Directors. A native of Jersey City, New Jersey, Kelly earned a Bachelor of Science dWeSalute Awards
TopVet: Remembering Jack Taylor
During the Second World War, Jack Crawford Taylor was a Navy fighter pilot. After the war, he soared with a venture somewhat closer to the ground.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: E. S. Bagley, Jr. / Amtrak
When Stan Bagley joined the Air Force during the height of the Vietnam War, he had little inkling at how much the esprit de corps of a tight unit would come to mean to him. When his wife, his college sweetheart, was killed after a month of marriage, his buddies at the 1035th Special Field Activities Group provided him with no small measure of aid and comfort.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: Dick Grasso
Dick Grasso has been chairman and chief executive officer of the New York Stock Exchange since June 1995. In 1988, he was elevated to president and chief operating officer, and while continuing in those positions, he became executive vice chairman of the NYSE in January 1991.WeSalute Awards
TopVet: John Mitas, M.D./Teaching Doc
John A. Mitas II, M.D., has been appointed deputy executive vice president and chief operating officer of the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine (ACP-ASIM), the nation’s largest medical specialty society and second-largest medical group. Its membership comprises more than 115,000 internal medicine physicians and medical students. Internists are specialists in the prevention, detection and treatment of illnesses that primarily affect adults. He will join the college staff on July 1, 2002.